I Traded Coffee for Green Tea for a Week – Here’s What Happened

Day 4

The individual noticed that their skin was much better as they no longer had embarrassing breakouts. Another thing they noticed that there were no bags underneath the eyes which is something they had when they were drinking coffee. They also noticed that the hyperpigmentation of their skin was lighter which is likely the effects of the antioxidants in the green tea. It has been found that green tea can help neutralize UV rays’ effects such as aging. Therefore, green tea can help reverse aging.

Day 5

The change was quite noticeable at this point in a positive way. The individual felt happier on an emotional, mental, and physical level. They were also alert throughout the entire day. The caffeine withdrawals such as headaches were completely gone at this point.

Day 6 And After

The individual was finding that they no longer felt they had the need to keep drinking water as they did not feel dehydrated at all. It has been shown that caffeine does cause dehydration which is why you need a drink after having coffee or something with a lot of caffeine. They also noticed that their mood swings were less frequent and less severe when they were drinking coffee. Overall they felt so much better by drinking green tea instead of coffee.

Green tea still contains some caffeine. However, it contains a lot less caffeine than coffee and green tea has many more antioxidants and other important properties to bring you good health that coffee does not bring. That is another reason that you will feel massively better after drinking green tea instead of coffee and you will notice the changes happen within a week.

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