I Traded Coffee for Green Tea for a Week – Here’s What Happened

Day 1 Of Green Tea After Ceasing To Drink Coffee

It was reported that there was a sense of calmness in addition to alertness after drinking the green tea. Coffee brought a kickstart to the day whereas green tea did not bring that kickstart as it caused a slow wake-up in addition to calmness, However by the afternoon there was a sense of grogginess felt in addition to a headache which is expected with such a drastic adjustment involving caffeine.

Day 2

After having a fantastic night’s sleep, they were feeling a lot less anxious as they said they were not tossing and turning and not waking up in the night. The individual still had a headache around noon but even so, they were still quite calm on that day.

Day 3

The one thing that the individual had noticed that they were taking bathroom breaks more often. However, they noticed that their digestive system was working better. They felt less bloated as well as less sluggish after eating and actually felt more productive instead. They remained productive even after lunch which was something that was not attained previously. There was also no acid reflux either.

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