Looking for a New Anti-Inflammatory Sip? Try Ginger Water

Make Your Own Ginger Water

Making your own ginger water is easy, and there’s lots of room for creativity. Ginger alone is delicious, but a proper recipe can make this healthy drink a real treat.

Boil a kettle filled with water. Throw in a few lemon slices, orange or lime, and a medium-sized piece of ginger, peeled and sliced. Strain and enjoy.

You can boost your ginger water with a pinch of turmeric, black pepper and or cayenne pepper to enjoy even more health benefits.

Have a glass of ginger water in the morning or before going to bed. Alternatively, fill a reusable coffee mug and carry your healthy water around all day.

You can enjoy your ginger water steaming hot or ice cold, either way it’s delicious. And make sure you share it with your loved ones. With tons of health benefits and no adverse effects, everyone can enjoy this tasty infusion.

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