How Not Sleeping Enough Can Influence Your Food Choices and Tips for Sleeping Better

Sleeping Problems Mean You Eat Less Produce

There’s another eating disorder associated with not sleeping well. Research has shown that messed up eating habits caused by lousy sleeping schedules lead to eating processed food or food heavy in protein and fat, but no vegetables and fruits.

We’re not eating enough fresh produce, that’s for all of us, but people with bad sleeping habits are eating even less of them or nothing at all.

Eating fresh produce is vital for our health. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with fiber, vitamins and minerals, all essential for your well-being. Some produce can even help you sleep better, including kiwis and tart cherries. Ain’t food wonderful?

Make sure you eat well and stay away from junk food. Fruits, nuts and veggies are critical components of a well-balanced diet. Together with a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel better than ever.

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