How Not Sleeping Enough Can Influence Your Food Choices and Tips for Sleeping Better

Not Sleeping Enough Can Cause You to Overeat

Junk food cravings might be the least of your problems if you’re overeating in the first place. When you don’t sleep well, your body is unbalanced, meaning everything goes wrong, even your hunger is altered.

If you wake up late in the morning, you’ll be hungrier than you should, and you’ll overeat at breakfast. Then you won’t be hungry for lunch but will want to feast on unhealthy snacks during the evening.

Then you’ll be having dinner way too late, and you’ll overeat again. That will probably make it difficult for you to rest well.

It’s all a vicious circle of bad eating and sleeping habits. Overeating is just as dangerous as not eating much at all. Add to that feeling tired and moody, and you’re in for a bad time.

There are no bad days, just bad habits. Break the cycle; sleep and eat better today.

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