8 Obvious Signs You’re Being Served Pre-Made Food At A Restaurant

Your Food is Under seasoned

Your Food is Under seasoned

If your food is bland or everything on the menu tastes the same, chances are you’re eating pre-made food, more often than not cooked in large batches and frozen. You can’t season a dozen pounds on mashed potatoes with the same finesse used when seasoning a single order.

Cook large batches, and your food will always be under seasoned. The worst of it all? Factory-made food — that stuff always tastes like cardboard and plastic.

The Kitchen is Understaffed

Sometimes it’s impossible to tell if a restaurant kitchen is adequately staffed, but others you sure can. Open kitchens or kitchens with windows to the dining room allow you to see if there are just one or two bored cooks running the entire operation. That usually means they’re just thawing and reheating the meals.

An authentic restaurant kitchen can only work with a complete team of well-trained staff on board.

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